Hola, amigos! I have to confess that I haven’t been a good, friendly blogger. For months, all the awards that my fellow bloggers were kind enough to bestow upon me have been left on the back burner. Why? Because I let things pile up, because I’m negligent. Ugh. But today is the day I will try to make up for it!

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Blog Awards pin

Shame on me

First of all, I must apologize for my behavior. Other bloggers passed the love on to me and I did not reciprocate. I have no excuse for that.

Why did I neglect these awards? Because I was trying to focus on writing posts and content, and then there was the whirlwind of my life. Yes, I know that’s no excuse. I thought I could always go back write a quick note to accept the awards. Boy, was I wrong!

On accepting the awards

I have decided it’s about time to accept these awards, not because I deserve them, but because other bloggers deserve to be thanked and recognized. Although know some people think blog awards are more like chain letters, they are actually a wonderful way to give something back to this awesome blogging community.

The fun part is that I now have to nominate 53 blogs, and honestly, that’s easy to do. I actually know 53 blogs that deserve an award a lot more than mine. So, I am very happy to be able to hand out all these awards and reciprocate the love. It’s a way to give something back to this wonderful blogging community, even if it’s only a tiny little thing. 

The bad news is that you have to read a lot of stuff about me. My apologies, but I must answer my fellow blogger’s questions. If it gets too boring, just scroll down to the nominees list.

The Liebster Award

Libster Award badge


-Thank the person who nominated you and link back to her/his blog.
-Copy and paste the Liebster Award badge to your post.
-Nominate 10 new bloggers with less than 200 followers.
-Answer the ten questions the person who nominated you asked, and then create ten new questions for the bloggers you are nominating.
-Nominate 10 new bloggers by leaving a comment on their blog.

This was the 2nd time I was nominated for this. This time, Kristen from Wonderfully Eccentric was kind enough to think about me. You should go check out her blog. She writes really helpful posts about beauty, DIY, and healthy eating. I think she’s wonderfully witty!

Anwswers to the Liebster Award questions

Kristen, you asked me 10 questions. These are my answers.

My blog is about my home country, Mexico. There’s so many inspiring things in Mexico that I don’t think I can write about them all, so mostly I just focus on food and how it relates to my own and my family’s life. Hopefully, this will give my readers a glimpse into everyday life in my country.

When I started blogging, I had no idea what I was doing. I made a lot of mistakes- not including pictures, no tags, no promoting, and so on. But mistakes are there to help you learn, so you could say I’ve learned a lot. I still have a lot of weaknesses. For example, I lack technical knowledge and I have no idea what to do about SEO, but this blog is still a work in progress. Fortunately, everyone around me supports my crazy idea of becoming a blogger.

For months, I thought about changing the topic of my blog, but I just couldn’t do it. I love this blog too much! What I did was start another blog instead. Apart from Mexico, I am also passionate about my health and fitness journey, so I decided to blog about that too at my other site, Wonder Fabi.

Reading other blogs keeps me inspired. That’s why I am so grateful for this incredibly community. Honestly, I have no words to thank you all. For all you newbies just starting out, my humble piece of advice is to reach out and connect with other bloggers. You will not believe how warmly they will greet you!

The Infinity Dreams Award

I received an Infinity Dreams Award


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Tell us 11 facts about you.
  3. Answer the questions set.
  4. Nominate 11 other bloggers.

I was fortunate to be nominated by Oba at The King’s Oracle. She is so amazing! She’s a singer-songwriter, a published author, and a devout Christian. Definitely puts me to shame! Oba blogs about her passions- music, family and faith. Of course, her writing is mesmerizing. People, go over and check out her blog now.

Infinity Dreams Award Questions

Oba, these are my answers to your questions.

I would say I’m shy and introverted, but since I’m also Mexican, perhaps you probably wouldn’t think that of me. Let’s just say I’m shy for a Mexican! My top values are kindness, honesty, loyalty, generosity, and perseverance. My biggest priority is my family, and then taking care of myself so I can be there for my family for a long time. Taking care of my marriage is also a priority, and my husband and I dream of having a weekend to ourselves. There is a lovely area here in Mexico, in the mountains of the Puebla province, where you can stay at a cottage and tour the little towns and villages. That would be lovely. In fact, number one in our bucket list is to travel alone together.

11 boring facts about me

  1. I have 3 kids- two boys, ages 18 and 8, and a little 2 year-old girl.
  2. I’m a certified translator and English teacher.
  3. Currently, I’m a stay-at-home mom.
  4. My husband is my college sweetheart.
  5. I have a cat, a dog, and two birds.
  6. I love plants, specially succulents. I have a lot of them!
  7. I love listening to music- Avicii when I work out, country when I do housework, Adele when I want to chill, and rock when I feel like singing.
  8. I also love to dance with my husband. Any latin beat will do.
  9. I love chocolate!
  10. I am hooked on The Walking Dead
  11. I’m a Lord Of The Rings fan. Books and movies.

The Spirit Animal Blog Award

spirit animal blog award


1.Once you’re nominated, add the picture to your blog.

2. Write a short description about yourself and what your blog means to you. Oh and if you were an animal, which animal would you be? (No buzzfeed answers please).

3. Nominate 10 other bloggers to do the same.

I was nominated for this award by the amazing It’s Good To Be Crazy Sometimes. This woman is the real thing- she’s sarcastic, insightful, and sharp. She writes about the challenges of mental health and everyday life with great honesty. Her blog is refreshing and unique. You really should go over and take a look.

Trina, thank you for nominating my blog. It’s truly an honor

The Spirit Animal Award Response

I was born in Mexico, but I spent some time in the USA when I was growing up. Specifically, in Austin, Texas. When I moved back to Mexico with my family, I felt a bit out of sorts, like a part of me didn’t belong in Mexico. I still feel like that a little bit, but I know would never live anywhere else. I love my country deeply, and I am happy that my children are growing up here, one-hundred-percent Mexican. I love English, though. I teach English as a Second Language to high school and university students. At least, I did until I had my youngest child, a baby daughter. Now, I’m proud to say I’ve become a blogger.

If I were an animal, I have no idea what I would be. But my husband, who happens to be a veterinarian, says I remind him of a toy poodle. Ha ha! Very funny, darling!

The Sunshine Blogger Award

Sunshine blogger award


  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Answer the 11 questions you were asked.
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers and let them know they were nominated.
  4. Ask the nominees 11 questions.

I have also received this award before, but it was an honor to be nominated again by the enchanting Susie. Susie blogs at Susie Shy (sorry, but I just love to say “Susie”!), and her writing is sweet, wonderful, and, of course, shy. A delicate voice, like a flower petal, with lots of meaningful things to say. That’s you, Susie! People, let’s give her a round of applause and head over to her blog. You’ll love her, I promise!

Surprisingly enough, I was also nominated for this award by Kellie and Alicia over at Pins In A Nutshell. These are two very crafty girls that test Pinterest pins so you don’t have to. What? Yes, really! So, what you find at their blog is the doable stuff that us lesser minds can actually pull off. Thank you, Kellie and Alicia!

Sunshine Blogger Award Responses

Susie, you asked me 11 questions. Not easy! These are my answers.

My favorite color is…I have several. I like pink, purple, blue, and black for clothes and eye makeup. I like red for dresses and lipstick. I love nude and gray for shoes. I like white for shirts. And I like green for eating. As you have probably guessed, the color of my clothes does reflect my mood. If my mood gets off the mark, I try to spend some alone time. Yes, that means I put myself in a time out.

I blog because I love writing and I have a ton of ideas in my head that I have to get out there. Too many ideas. I always have something to write about. Mainly, I follow blogs that are about traveling, parenting, fitness, health, beauty, food, and blogging. But sometimes I will follow a totally different blog that I like for some reason. Maybe because it’s funny or because it’s really interesting. Offensive language on a blog doesn’t necessarily put me off, but it depends on the blog. Perhaps it spices up the writing. But if I think it could do without the language, then it does put me off.

For me, romance is commitment. It’s loyalty, honesty, and trust. Perhaps 20 years ago I would have said something like flowers and candlelight, but things have changed over the years.

Yes, I make New Year’s resolutions. I have achieved important goals by writing my resolutions down every New Year. I know many people don’t believe in making them, but they definitely work for me. Also, I try not to shy away from change. I admit change can be scary, but to never change is a lot worse. The only certain thing about life is change. No one can stop it, so it’s useless to shy away from it.

Finally, you asked me to write a poem about myself. Susie, that was hard! But somehow, I managed a haiku.

Outside my window

Sunshine, hummingbirds, flowers

Day begins, I write

Kellie and Alicia, you asked me 11 questions. These are my answers.

I blog because I love to write, and … I believe I already answered that. I think. Anyway, I live in Mexico. I guess everybody knows that. When I want to recharge, I put on the Disney channel, and let my kids watch a movie while I take a nap on the couch. Don’t judge! I’ve been married for 18 years, and honestly I’m very happy. I love playing in the garden with my kids, and tending to my plants. I want to visit many countries, but I would start by visiting places I haven’t been to in my own country. I enjoy looking out at the ocean, or at a garden full of flowers in the spring. I don’t really have a favorite game to play, but I enjoy playing board games with my kids. When I was a child, I dreamed of becoming a writer. Well, guess what? I have a blog! I can relate to Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I grew up with a scientist dad, I had my nose in a book all the time, and I fell in love with a guy who was twice my size! The three things I need to check off my bucket list are- travel through Mexico, travel around the world, and see my great- grandchildren. Wish me luck!

Blog awards featured

Awards Nominations

Note: I picked 53 blogs to nominate- 10 for the Liebster Award, 11 for the Infinity Dreams Award, 10 for the Spirit Animal Award, 11 for the Sunshine Award, and 11 for the second Sunshine Award. Yep. That makes 53 in all.

Dear nominees:

Congratulations! You are all nominated to the four awards- the Liebster award, the Infinity Dreams Award, the Spirit Animal award, and the Sunshine Bloggers award.

I think you are all deserving of these awards, and so much more. I nominate each and every single one of you because I think your blogs are amazing. Please, never stop blogging!

Pick whatever award you like or you don’t have, or pick them all. Just follow the instructions for each of the awards. These are my questions for you.

Questions for the nominees

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What do you like best about blogging?
  3. What is the hardest thing about blogging?
  4. Where do you get your inspiration?
  5. What are your blogging strengths?
  6. What are your blogging weaknesses?
  7. What are your blogging goals?
  8. What is the best blogging advice you’ve received?
  9. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned while blogging?
  10. What is your advice for new bloggers?
  11. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?

My Nominees

  1. Wonderfully Eccentric – Food, Beauty, DIY, Photography, and everything eccentric.
  2. King’s Oracle – Where the word of the king is, there is power.
  3. Susie Shy 
  4. It’s Good To Be Crazy Sometimes – A view from the inside of going through the mindfield of the british benefit system if you are disabled.
  5. Pins In A Nutshell – We test pins so you don’t have to.
  6. Are Those Your Kids – Raising biracial kids in today’s world
  7. Monica Bruno – Write, run, repeat
  8. Crazy Little Family Adventure – An expat mom blog
  9. Create Mindfully – Gluten free vegan recipes
  10. Inner Savvy – Your Story, your health, your life
  11. My Desert Love – Desert living and loving
  12. Living The Dream – Striving for progress, not perfection
  13. Ana’s World – Travel, fashion, lifestyle, wellness
  14. Mexican Food Memories – Mexican recipes and more
  15. Vermilion Roots – Plant-based recipes with an Asian twist
  16. Journo And The JokerLiving the expat life in Cambodia
  17. Via Bella: The Beautiful LifeGetting creative with life
  18. A Flavor JournalCreating, cooking, and writing
  19. From Europe And Beyond – Travel blog
  20. Paper Coffee Store – Learning languages
  21. Polka Dots And Curry – Life and cuisine
  22. One Salty Kiss – Empowering women to live courageous lives
  23. Ask Deniza – Fitness, health, nutrition
  24. Brain Sponge Blog – How to hack your mind
  25. Skill Up Skillet – A geek and game-themed food blog
  26. Vivi E Impara – Healthy homemade recipes, yoga and fitness
  27. Sadie’s Nest – Recipes and entertaining
  28. Bluemands – Current affairs
  29. From Cats To CookingCooking and empowering women to love themselves
  30. Mexico In My KitchenHome-style, authentic Mexican recipes
  31. Simply Travel – Simplify and explore
  32. The Ipockolypse – Making An Ipockolyptic Change
  33. Teacup TalkSharing stories over tea
  34. Easy On The TonguePinterest, DIY, family, blogging
  35. Mummy And The MexicansExpat mom in Mexico 
  36. The Bikini Bookworm – Books and fitness
  37. My Meals Are On Wheels – Recipes and life since melanoma
  38. Pleasant Peasant Cuisine – Healthy recipes
  39. Dream Your Life – Chase your dreams
  40. Life Of An El Paso Woman – Events, people, and places in El Paso
  41. Fabulous Fare Sisters – Fabulous recipes
  42. Lynz Real Cooking – Cooking and living in the Middle East
  43. Ben’s BlogLiving in Honduras
  44. A New Life WanderingA Mexican and an American meet in India
  45. Alvarado Frazier – Story, art, and poetry
  46. Jonelle Du Pont – Empowering women to make changes that matter
  47. Welcome To My Kitchen – Amazing cooking
  48. A Life Less Ordinary – Habits for happiness
  49. Deb Was Here – The amazing woman blog
  50. Cook AZ I Do – Yummy recipes and tips for success
  51. My Spanglish Familia – Motherhood, mental illness, and metamorphosis
  52. Seychelles MamaExpat mom living in the Seychelles
  53. The Move To AmericaExpat lifestyle blog

Believe it or not, I have enjoyed each and every single one of these blogs, and I think they are deserving of any blogger award. People, go check them out. Maybe not all, but pick a few that interest you. I’m sure you’ll love them as much as I do!

Share a blog that you think is amazing in the comments below. Sharing is caring!

52 thoughts on “4 Wonderful Blog Awards And 53 Amazing Nominees

  1. You are so great, thanks for all the nominations. I love your Mexican recipes, my children are in a Dual Immersion School, and as such learn 1/2 in Spanish and 1/2 in English. One of the assignments is to cook authentic foods. I can actually tackle your recipes, Thanks. Any way I can use your photo of the 4 awards, that way I don’t have to spend time making my own. Thanks so much.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, that’s interesting. My son also attended a biligual school here in Mexico, and actually there are a lot of them around here. It seeems like everyone is interested in making sure kids speak both, Spanish and English! I must say that is very encouraging. Sure! Use my pic. That’s a great idea! Congrats 🙂


  2. Congrats on all your awards! It’s great getting to know you Fabiola! Thank you for nominating us – we appreciate it – even if we don’t participate please know that we are very grateful to you and all of the wonderful friends we have made across the globe through blogging! And we look forward to seeing many more of your awesome posts!
    Fabulous Fare Sisters

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well,this was a first! And you definitely deserved all these nominations! Loved all your answers and facts:-). Congratulations. Thank you so much for the nominations. I am honoured.:-)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh my goodness, Fabiola you brought tears to my eyes as I read through I never knew someone could capture my essence the way you did. I am so humbled and honored to know you… Thanks for the Nominations, my hands are full… I better get started right away.
    I love all your recipes and hopefully, One day I know I will eat them on the Mexican shore for real :D.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for the nominations! I really appreciate it, even if I don’t participate. I was nominated for a Liebster award awhile back, and barely any of my nominees participated. It wasn’t the best feeling because I put in the work for the post. I even asked the nominees ahead of time if they wanted to be nominated! I can’t wait to check out all the other blogs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I honestly think you deserve the award, but I know what you mean. I’ve been nominated in the past, and I wrote the post, and some of the nominees didn’t reciprocate. I almost didn’t reciprocate this time! However, I still keep writing awards posts because I want to claim it, and spread the love. If other people choose to ignore it, too bad. Hope you check out the other blogs, that’s the whole idea of this! 🙂


  6. Thank you for the nomination! Love how you approached these multiple nominations. And I really appreciate that you included us. Looking forward to checking out some of the others on your list that I haven’t visited before. Might take me a little while to get to this. Have a lovely weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you so much for these nominations, Fabiola! It means a lot to me that you read my blog and would recommend it to others. I have really enjoyed your blog as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Did I miss your post on your succulents? Want to see and hear all about them!! 😉
    I rarely encounter someone who is married longer than me that isn’t elderly – beat me by a year! I’m so glad I connected when I first started. You have been an inspiration. I’ve learned so much from the ease in which you write about your love for Mexico and your family – and I follow quite a few blogs nowadays, but no other occupies this lane better than you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t written a post about succulents, but that’s an amazing idea lol 😀 why did’t I think of that before? I am very happy you like my blog, as I always look forward to your posts. ❤ ❤ ❤


  9. Congrats for your nominations, and thanks for nominating me! It’s such an honor! ❤ I really love your blog, and I'm glad that I get to see your blogging journey. 🙂 Xoxo, Jessie

    Liked by 1 person

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